Inner Peace Training & Retreat

Time out · Contemplation · Retreat

 When you lose touch with inner stillness,

you lose touch with yourself.

When you lose touch with yourself,

you lose yourself in the world.

Eckhart Tolle



Far away from methods, techniques, goals and expectations, we want to create and offer a salutary space with the Inner Peace Training. Salutary and healing spaces exist if this space provides us with the opportunity to get back in touch with ourselves. To get in contact and in touch with ourselves and with others requires courage, openness, acceptance and saying "Yes" to what worries us and even burdens us in our everyday life.

To detach from everyday life is therefore a conscious decision and it corresponds, if you allow yourself to get in touch wit it, with an overall detachment and the feeling of relaxation within. Retreating and backpedaling from everyday life is therefore time out, time for contemplation, time for encounter and a form of self-regulation that is necessary for many of us. Understood in this way, inner peace training is less a training in the traditional sense, but rather an active non-action, a way of consciously giving and holding space.



We are looking forward to welcoming you in our retreat! For you to experience and to enrich our salutary space.

Details & dates


Learn more about our Inner Peace Training and latest dates.


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About us


Get to know us ahead of the retreat.


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Reflections & feedback


Read about retreat experiences from our participants.


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“Der Planet braucht keine erfolgreichen Menschen mehr. Der Planet braucht dringend Friedensstifter,

Heiler, Erneuerer, Geschichtenerzähler

und Liebende aller Arten. "


Dalai Lama